


2013/2/28 16:26:29  来源:本站整理  作者:佚名 【 查看评论
s business contacts, the content includes: ①The name of the company; ②The figure place of amount of money of the exchanges in this year; ③The credit certification to the company by the bank. Notice: The capital credit certification must be original. 7 外国(地区)企业常驻代表机构设立登记申请书Application form 《外国(地区)企业常驻代表机构设立登记申请书》由代理承办单位在网上登记好后,由代表处首席代表签字。 Fill in “Application Form for the Establishment of Representative Offices of Foreign Enterprise” and “Application Form for Personnel of Representative Offices of Foreign Enterprise”(Filled in by the undertaking unit) 8 涉外办公场所房屋租赁合同(原件)和加盖产权单位公章的产权证(复印件),以及经过房地产交易中心登记备案的《房屋租赁备案证明》; The lease contract, and property certificate, and the certification of the office block concerning foreign affairs 9 涉外办公大楼出具的《台港澳、外国企业在上海市常驻代表机构指定办公场所》证书。以及“驻在证明”。(由涉外办公大楼按照统一格式出具)。 The certification of residence. (Filled by office block concerning foreign affairs according to the form of unifying) 10 外国(地区)企业委托代理机构办理的委托书。 The warrant from the foreign country (area). 11 上述5-6项文件必须由政府部门认可的翻译机构翻译成中文,其他文件如是英文书写的话,可自行翻译,并经代理方盖章即可。 Above-mentioned files must be translated into Chinese by the organization that is approved by the Committee of Foreign Trade and Economic in Shanghai, which has the authority to put forward the disinterested request to the operation certification and the capital credit certification provided by foreign businessman.

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