


2013/3/22 12:22:30  来源:本站整理  作者:佚名 【 查看评论
nvesting company;

十一、新公司的财务身份证及上岗证的复印件;Copy of the accountant's ID card and accounting qualification;


Shanghai Development Zone registered foreign companies - preferential tax policies


Foreign investors inShanghairegistered foreign investment company, the company registered address can be choose inShanghaiurban or suburban development zone. The major difference between foreign companies enjoy preferential tax policies for different.


Since 2009, Shanghai urban street office cancelled the tax return tax preferential policies, therefore, in the urban area of Shanghai registered foreign companies have not enjoy preferential tax policy before. Unless, large foreign company or pay many foreign-funded enterprises can apply for tax preferential policies to the government. The urban registered foreign companies, foreign investors own rental need formal commercial buildings as the company registered address.


Second, registered foreign companies inShanghaidevelopment zone and the tax preferential policies


In Shanghai Development Zone registered foreign company is the biggest advantage of high returns to enjoy tax preferential policy, the foreign investment company pay taxes, then a portion of the tax return to the enterprise. Shanghai suburban d

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